Eames – Inception: ENFP

Guest Post by E. J., INTJ


Eames ENFP | Inception #MBTI #ENFP

Dominant Ne: Eames thinks of himself as a creative person, and he provides many of the ideas that allow Cobb’s team eventually uses in their mission. His flexibility is important as the plan goes forward. Although he does not usually allow himself to become angry with others, Eames finds less creative people difficult to understand. As a result, he tends to introduce ideas in his preferred way–leaving the details to the imagination–despite the confusion this sometimes causes in other people.

Eames ENFP | Inception #MBTI #ENFP

Auxiliary Fi: Eames is not overly concerned with other people’s opinions. He knows that Arthur gets annoyed with him at times, but he is not upset: in fact, he often finds Arthur’s frustration humorous. His lifestyle is very unconventional. Even when he is not working at his (illegal) profession, he tends to pass the time doing things that many people would consider unethical or, at least, unwise. Eames understands his own emotions well, and his understanding of his own feelings helps him know how to appeal to Fisher’s, despite their differing personalities.

Eams ENFP | Inception #MBTI #ENFP

Tertiary Te: Although Eames is better at coming up with new ideas than carrying them out, he does care about basing his ideas on empirical evidence. Eames’s analysis of his own previous, failed attempt at inception helps put Cobb’s plans on solid footing. Eames can be very blunt on some occasions–in particular, if he is angry. After finding out that Cobb had not been completely honest about the mission, Eames directly confronts him, grilling Cobb about his behavior.

Eames ENFP | Inception #MBTI #ENFP

Inferior Si: As Arthur points out, specificity can be a weakness for Eames. He has a tendency to introduce new ideas without fully considering the details necessary to carry them out. Eames prefers to think in terms of future possibilities, but he is willing to learn from his mistakes. His earlier attempt at inception did not dissuade him from believing that inception was possible. He did, however, carefully consider what happened, how it went wrong, and how to prevent a similar occurrence. Eames uses his experience to help Cobb from making the same errors.

Lord Palpatine: INFJ

Guest post by Occam’s Chainsaw, INTJ

Star Wars

Lord Palpatine INFJ | Star Wars #MBTI #INFJ

Introverted Intuition (Ni): Palpatine plans for the long haul like no one else.  He becomes emperor in a series of plots to gradually enhance his power; as the senator from Naboo, he becomes elected chancellor, then accumulates emergency powers one after the other, and finally becomes emperor, in a process that takes many years.  His schemes are generally successful, as he has not only supreme patience, but also the ability to predict the actions and reactions of all the relevant people (and he even fools Yoda and Obi-Wan, two fellow INFJs, on his true intentions until it is too late for anyone to stop him).  Palpatine reacts with caution when faced with unexpected aggression; when Queen Amidala returns to Naboo to liberate her occupied home planet, he tells Darth Maul to let his enemies act first.  As emperor, Palpatine rarely gets involved in the day-to-day business of running the Empire; he focuses on the most important things, leaving the nuts and bolts to others. Continue reading

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen: ESTP

Guest post by Andrew, ENTJ

Dune Series, Frank Herbert

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen ISTP | Dune #MBTI #ISTP

Extroverted Sensing (Se): Feyd-Rautha is entirely given over to physical pleasures. He enjoys food and the company of women, but his first love is gladiatorial combat. He fights to the death for the thrill of battle and the adoration of fans, and he cheats every time to ensure that he will always wi Continue reading

Can you be two types?

Dina asked: Hi! I have taken many different personality tests (keeping in mind, they probably weren’t, individually, very accurate), and half the time I got ENTJ and the other half INTJ. I did much more research (a good deal of which was on this site) in order to get a better idea of which I was more affiliated with.

My question is, is it possible or even probable for someone to be directly between types? I seem to fit into bits of either depending on the category (communication, Leadership, emotions, etc.) Thanks for humoring me! Godspeed!

p.s. This site is the most in-depth and well thought out that I found so far. Bravo!


See the bottom of my FAQ page.

Miss Havisham: ISTJ

Guest post by Key Lime Pi, INFP

Great Expectations


Si: Miss Havisham is fixated on the past, so much so that she keeps her entire house exactly as it was on the day of her canceled wedding, even as it disintegrates around her. She approaches her entire life based on her experience with tragedy in love, trusting a select few people (Estella, Mr. Jaggers, Pip) and raising Estella for the sole purpose of breaking the hearts of men. However, she still allows a few visitors whom she knows from her past, like Miss Camilla, even if she doesn’t like them. Continue reading

Tyler Hoechlin: ESFP

Guest post by Occam’s Chainsaw, INTJ —http://systematicthinker.wordpress.com

Tyler Hoechlin ESFP | Actors #MBTI #ESFP

Se: The first thing you recognize about Hoechlin is how utterly physical he is—and by this, I’m not referring to how athletic he looks. I mean how conscious you are about all of his movements, even the small ones. While talking, he engages his whole body in the conversation or in what he’s saying, and there won’t be a moment where he’s just sitting/standing without doing much of anything else; he will either be stepping around, shifting his weight from one leg to another, move his head, smile, gesture with his arms, scratch, make wide movements, wiggle his eyebrows, etc all the time. His eyes are always wide and alert-looking, like he’s constantly scanning his environment for little clues, to suck up as many information as possible from there. He seems to be invested in his surroundings and aware of every small detail of it. He’s clearly an opportunist, willing to try out new things for the experience—according to him, at the age of 8-9, he was offered a role in a commercial and he thought, “why not, that would be fun”. His dominant Se plays a role in the way he acts/depicts characters; e.g. he unconsciously made Derek Hale’s character extremely physical, to the extent that it could be hard for typers who go for stereotypes/are inexperienced/beginners to tell apart Derek’s dom Te from his tert Se, because Hale’s character is also a very strong Se user. Hoechlin’s biggest passion has always been baseball. Continue reading

Book vs Movie Characters


Grace asked: When books get turned into movies, do the characters sometimes change types? If they do and you type them, do you go by the book or movie?

broadchurch gif

I will direct you to my About page, which explains my typology method, including how I handle book/movie conundrums.

Commissioner Jim Gordon: ISFJ

Guest Post by E.J., INTJ

Batman Trilogy


Dominant Si: Gordon takes a very traditional approach to his job. He resists the corruption around him–despite the fact that his partner pressures him to join in–but he also accepts the Gotham police department as it is and does not attempt to actively fight the corruption. It takes him some time to grow used to working with Batman, but once he does, it becomes habit. Gordon has trouble adjusting to changes in Gotham’s crime rate. He learned his job in a corrupt, crime-ridden city, and when the crime rate goes down after the Joker is recaptured, Gordon does not change strategy. He nearly loses his job as police commissioner because the city authorities are tired of him behaving as though the city still has a serious crime problem. Continue reading

The SF Type Who Thinks He’s an INTJ

Jannelle67 asked: I often meet people claim to be INTJs who really aren’t when you get to know them (as opposed to people who seem more like INTJs once you get to know them). Which types are most likely to be INTJ posers like this?

oscar wilde gif

Really, any type could try to pose as an INTJ, and could probably convince themselves they were an INTJ if they ignored the evidence well enough. The gal who writes funkymbtifiction did this for years (and then moved on to consecutively convince herself that she was every other type as well). Continue reading

Bellatrix Lestrange: ESFP

Guest post by Andrew, ENTJ

Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling


Extroverted Sensing (Se): Whatever she is doing, Bellatrix likes to be in the center of the action. This especially involves actual fights; Bellatrix revels in dueling her enemies, especially when she fights two or three at once. She has extremely quick reflexes, and she will continue fighting with any other weapon she has after losing her wand. Bellatrix is charming enough to talk the authorities out of imprisoning her after Voldemort’s first downfall, but she is so impulsive in trying to bring him back to power that she ends up in jail anyway with no hope of legal acquittal or social rehabilitation. Bellatrix savors every moment, and always likes eyes on herself, even during her trial, when it was clear that it would be a long time before she would be out of prison. She is always quick to think of something to say, especially when voicing her willingness to further Voldemort’s cause. Continue reading

The INTJ’s Depression Battle Plan

H Janeway asked: “How does an INTJ know what she needs? I am a bit disconnected from my emotions because of depression, depression medication and being an INTJ. How do I know what I need so that I can make a plan/schedule and hopefully get better?”

I hope the best for you in your journey.

I don’t have depression, but as someone with PTSD, I can speak to your experience of struggling to figure out what you need to do to heal.

Before I was fully aware that I had PTSD, I was very confused, and very, very concerned with how I was supposed to figure out this “trap” that had caught me. At the time, many factors combined to make it so that I was not in a position to seek help. As a result, I had to figure things out on my own.

Here is what I have learned the hard way: Continue reading

Samwell Tarly: INFP

Guest post by Sam Peters, INFP

A Song of Ice and Fire, George R.R. Martin

Samwell Tarly INFP | Song of Ice and Fire #MBTP #INFP

Fi: Sam Tarly is a very sensitive and emotional guy, and he’s about as unassertive as they come.  He lives in fear of Te-doms that have basically dominated his life.  Nonetheless, he is extremely loyal to his friends and always does what he thinks is right according to his internal moral value system.  He can become uncharacteristically outspoken when someone he is very attached to is in danger, and he can even find it in him to defy authority if he needs to do something for the greater good.  After Jon is elected the new lord commander, Sam is somewhat appalle Continue reading