Albus Dumbledore: INFJ

Guest Post by M, INTJ

Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling

Dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni):

“Use it well.” J.K. Rowling has shared that, using the homonym revelio spell, Dumbledore could observe the actions of any person within the walls of Hogwarts. This is essential for Dumbledore’s prescient reputation, which is a necessary function of his symbolism. Dumbledore leaves Harry the invisibility cloak, already knowing of Harry’s quest to learn about Flamel—knowing exactly how he would use it, and, also (though it is never mentioned explicitly) intending for Harry to find the mirror to learn two things. First and foremost, Dumbledore needs a glimpse of Harry’s heart to complete his analysis of what is to come. Second, if Harry is trustworthy, Dumbledore will know he has found his knight (All Ni-Se gathering/Te function). “If you ever do come across it, you will now be prepared.”

Dumbledore requires a solution to a problem before moving on to the next idea. This is the primary distinction between Ne and Ni-users. Because of this, Dumbledore is able to assist in the discovery of the uses of dragon blood (Ni-Se), and invent his own spells successfully. Dumbledore finds himself overburdened with thoughts and needs to isolate them in order to properly evaluate the information and reach a conclusion. The one problem that fixates him is the game between good and evil—he knows that good will triumph, but he doesn’t seem to know how to communicate how he knows. That being said, he comes to conclusions that are always accurate, knowing things like: Ron will need a way back to Harry and Hermione, Hermione will be capable of understanding the significance of the Tales of Beetle and the Bard (or motivate Harry’s Ni with the concept) within the timeframe needed, and that Harry was noble enough to sacrifice himself in the end. Dumbledore teaches Harry the context of Voldemort rather than advanced magic. He tells Harry that understanding your enemy is the best way to overcome him. This ultimately comes true, as Harry’s recognition that Voldemort cannot experience love frees him from possession and helps him to pity Voldemort. It also enables the clever reader to know that Harry survived because he allowed himself to die (an act of supreme love); whereby, he protected his own soul, forcing the evil part of him to surface—the Horcrux—as the tribute. Had Harry fought, or desired his own selfish survival, the good part of him would have died as well (or perhaps instead). Dumbledore knew Harry, being more virtuous than he, could make that sacrifice.

Auxiliary Extroverted Thinking (Te):

“A man appeared on the corner the cat had been watching.” This first sentence regarding Dumbledore reveals that Albus Dumbledore immediately got involved in the situation of Harry Potter to understand the situation and control the outcome, and further, that his appointment was scheduled.

“Albus didn’t seem to realize that he had just arrived in a street where everything from his name to his boots was unwelcome (Te-Fi).” Albus constantly shows a perceived lack of decorum, which is partly for his own amusement, and partly because he either doesn’t notice or care about social customs. Dumbledore leaves Harry in the protection of his family, not really considering as much as he should have the type of people they would likely be toward him. He then explains that Harry would be better off not growing up somewhere in which he would be famous before knowing his own name.

“Scars can come in handy.” Te evaluates the worth of an object or source based on what it provides.

Dumbledore tells everyone their own role but does not tell anyone all the details (Te). He waits until near the end to inform Snape that Harry is a Horcrux. He doesn’t want Harry to know until the last after he has already ensured Voldemort can be defeated. He keeps the knowledge about Sirius separate from his allies until it is necessary to share. He keeps his hunches about Horcruxes hidden from nearly everyone in the wizarding world. He is typically aware of others’ activities, schemes and actions, but doesn’t foil them or expose them until it either suits him, or advantages him. Dumbledore reaches conclusions but typically expects others to catch up. Often, he chooses not to explain and asks questions until the other person figures it out.

Tertiary Introverted Feeling (Fi):

“Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak.” These four words are concisely used to describe the divisions between the four houses, and how sad it is that they all exist as rivals. Nitwit (Ravenclaw), Blubber (Gryffindor), Oddment (Slytherin), Tweak (Hufflepuff). Dumbledore lies when Harry asks what he would see in the mirror. He lies because he sees something that reminds him of the past (the painful, obscured past—Si shadow function), and of a time when he failed himself and his family.

A younger Dumbledore was seduced by the powerful vision painted by Grindelwald, and the power it would gain him—it didn’t matter who it would hurt until the vision killed someone within his nucleus (low Fi). He spent the rest of his life attempting to correct that mistake by advocating the very opposite things as Grindelwald, seeing—at last—the shortsightedness and flaws within the framework. Dumbledore becomes an advocate of muggle protection, elf rights, and second chances. Interestingly, Dumbledore never does this in an Fe way, but always in a Te-Fi method: he sees the potential and usefulness of various pariahs and brings them close. He builds strategic relationships, engages in diplomacy, keeps a close watch on leaders, and finds a way to employ them all to his own devices. Dumbledore is not close with anyone he does not consider worthy of attention—this is why he only spends time with one student. Harry is the checkmate piece, and Ron and Hermione are only competent accessories. His nepotism is shown multiple times (like never punishing Harry, ever… or letting him play Quidditch as a first year).

Dumbledore has an inner fire that comes out very few times throughout the series, and typically only when one of his students is endangered (or being manhandled). Dumbledore strongly values education and equality and will act of his own will in situations where these values are violated. If the ministry says something he finds unacceptable, he will operate outside the law. If a student is attacked by Umbridge, he will swell in rage. If the dementors attack his students, he will attack them back. Where society suggests house elves and goblins are less, Dumbledore champions their causes (and hires Dobby for wages). He hires werewolves, befriends ‘mass-muderers’, and keeps Hagrid on the grounds. Further, in spite of the seemingly universal approval of the young Tom Riddle, Dumbledore did not care to fall in line.

Inferior Extroverted Sensing (Se):

Dumbledore is supremely aware of his environment. In the scene in which he is to be “taken in,” he takes out several ministry-trained wizards and still notices Kingsley tagging one from behind.

He is refined in his tastes for clothing and food. He is fond of music and dance. His fashion is often odd, and attention-getting. He doesn’t seem to feel shame or embarrassment based on the silliness of his hats but rather favours the recherché.

Dumbledore remembers significant events in great detail. He uses the pensieve the analyze the details of these events to locate connections (Ni-Se). Dumbledore is prone to pacing when thinking. He normally doesn’t attend Quidditch matches, because the amount of atmospheric interference is not conducive to his thinking. Also, if he is like most INTJs, too much commotion or visual stimulation can cause an INTJ to feel a tad overwhelmed.

Author’s Note:

While there is significantly more that could be mentioned (I actually typed out and considered every single Dumbledore interaction through all seven books), it is clear by the end of the first book that Dumbledore is—and can only be—an INTJ. His social use of Te, his hidden nature, wisdom and prescience (Ni-Se), and his clearly narrow focus on values (Fi), leave only one real option. His long-sightedness illustrates yet another power of good over evil (a constantly recurring theme within the books). Voldemort (ENTJ), only thinks far enough ahead to satisfy himself. Voldemort often misses extremely significant details as a result of having tertiary Se, rather than the Ni-Se loop that feeds Dumbledore’s predictions and conclusions.

Dumbledore leads through competence, not always directly, operating for a role of influence. He is charismatic when needed, humorous when needed, oblivious when needed (feigned of course), demanding when needed, and so on. He is secretive, selective, immensely knowledgable and powerful; yet, he tends to play light-hearted and humorous in public (this is actually not uncommon for INTJs—I myself wear a very similar social mask). He fixates on problem-solving and tackles problems one at a time. He comes to conclusions alone and primarily operates alone. He only brings in accomplices when he has a need for their specific skills or positions, and only tells them what they need to know. He often commands people to perform specific tasks without even telling them why!

One thought on “Albus Dumbledore: INFJ

  1. I love this, but I’m a little confused by the authors note. Do you believe he is an INFJ or an INTJ?

