Daisy Buchannon: ESFP

The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

Daisy Buchannon ESFP | The Great Gatsby MBTI

Dominant Se: Daisy loves to experience life. She has a materialistic side of her, which isn’t too strange for a woman living in the jazz age, but this is one of the major reasons that Gatsby uses materialism to draw Daisy to him. She values beauty enough that she goes so far as to wish beauty on her daughter over brains. Daisy is rather impulsive, and doesn’t always think about the consequences of her decisions. She enters a relationship with Gatsby without resistance and when under stress, bursts out with random ideas about what she wants to do. When her affair with Gatsby is revealed to her husband, she decides to go to town no the spot in order to avoid talking about her choice.

Daisy Buchannon ESFP | The Great Gatsby MBTI

Auxiliary Fi: Daisy doesn’t always recognize that what other people are doing is wrong because she doesn’t think too much about morality. She recognizes that her husband is cheating on her and accepts it as normal behavior. She thinks about morality so subconsciously that she feels little guilt for killing Myrtle. Although Daisy doesn’t think much about morality, she does dwell quite extensively on her emotions. She makes decisions purely based on how it feels to her. As a result, she often acts on whims of the moment, resulting in her own interpersonal downfall.

Daisy Buchannon ESFP | The Great Gatsby MBTI

Tertiary Te: Daisy makes plans, but as a result of her in-the-moment lifestyle, she doesn’t always follow through with them. Daisy isn’t necessarily the most logical of people, and she actually believes that beauty is more important than intelligence. Organizing others isn’t Daisy’s strong point, but she often attempts to do so when conflict arrises. Daisy tries to plan ahead, but she doesn’t always know how to. When her affair shatters, she doesn’t know how to react to it.

Daisy Buchannon ESFP | The Great Gatsby MBTI

Inferior Ni: Daisy wants to have a good future, but doesn’t have a clear vision of what she wants. When Tom and Gatsby try to make her pick between them, Daisy doesn’t know how to react because she’s not truly sure what she wants.

3 thoughts on “Daisy Buchannon: ESFP

  1. Are these typed of the movie or the book? I just read the book and I don’t believe there’s any mention of her eloping with Gatsby. Also, (although I admit I’m fairly new to the mbti theory) some of the typings of the Gatsby characters don’t intuitively match up. I’m prepared to be convinced otherwise, but I don’t think she is an fi type. She doesn’t seem to know her emotions at all, she just acts on them without considering them, such as when she first reunites with Gatsby and starts up a relationship with him, yet when challenged can’t figure herself out. Also, she tends to manipulate people through their emotions, such as, in the beginning, tells Nick the story where when she had her baby her husband wasn’t there, and she cried and wished her daughter to be a fool. Nick recognized this as manipulation, as if she had told him that to see his reaction. Please let me know if I’ve got this right, or how I’m wrong. I’m trying to understand mbti as much as I can.


    • I always type based on the books. The affair with Gatsby was not “directly” mentioned, but it was very strongly implied.

      You’ve got some fair points with regards to Fi. It’s possible that I mistyped her simply because I read the book a long time ago, however -the greater likelihood is that I’ve interpreted the character differently than you have.

      Keep in mind that there is a difference between Fi and introspectiveness, and just because a character is or is not introspective does not determine whether they have an Fi function. There are emotional manipulators of all MBTI types, and many of them (contrary to popular opinion) are Fi users. I know an xNTJ whose first language is not English, but emotional manipulation.

      Daisy happens to be a very, very immature person, and that makes it all the more likely (regardless of type) that she’s not going to know herself. While Daisy doesn’t necessarily introspect enough to “know her emotions,” she does think about them a lot. She knows when she’s upset, and she spends more time thinking about her own problems than she does trying to connect with other people on a large scale. She’s always talking to Nick, but not once does she consider how his life must be going –instead, she talks about her own individual “suffering.” Honestly, the girl doesn’t even think much about her own daughter (who is mentioned only once or twice in the whole book).

      Daisy makes decisions based on spur-of-the-moment feelings, and only stops to consider those feelings after the fact (this does’t erase the fact that she does actually think about them, and tends to be characteristic of immature ESFPs). This however, is more of an Se trait than it is an Fi trait. Immature Se doms tend to be quite impulsive, as Daisy is, and often come to regret decisions once their Fi jumps in and starts contemplating them.


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