Bruce Wayne: INTJ

Batman Trilogy

Factors to keep in mind: PTSD

Bruce Wayne INTJ or INFJ

Introverted Intuition (Ni): As a general rule, Bruce is happiest when he is working toward a specific goal, and as such, he has has a very specific vision of who he wants to be. He is constantly striving to improve the flaws that he sees both in himself and in the world as he gradually builds Batman into the symbol that he intends for it to be. Symbolism is important to Bruce, and he intertwines it deeply within his goals (as is evident in his Batman charade). He places higher value on the big picture than on smaller details (he cares more about saving Gotham than about his reputation/health; he would rather place massive/expensive orders for the materials he needs to build his Batman suit than to not have them at all etc.). He has an avid ability to discern people’s motives and character, and when he sees the need for it, does not feel bad calling them out on their faults (at his birthday party, he calls his guests “sycophantic friends.”). He also has a natural affinity to foresee what events will unfold as a result of current happenings, immediately recognizing how Harvey Dent’s betrayal will impact Gotham and what he will have to do to prevent that outcome. Bruce’s devotion to his goals is so profound that nothing can sway him, and when Ra’s Al Gul tells him that Gotham is impossible to save, he only becomes more determined to achieve his vision.


Extroverted Thinking (Te): Bruce’s primary focus is on getting things done, and easily puts aside his emotions in order to make decisions. He doesn’t stop his plan to save Gotham or change his reputation in order to win Rachel over. Instead, he lets the relationship go and focuses intensely on the plans that he has laid out. He doesn’t like to waste time and forgoes his birthday party without a second thought in order to accomplish something greater. couldn’t care less how gadgets work, but values what they will do for him (he doesn’t ask how the tumblr was made; he asks, “Does it come in black?”). Bruce is relatively immune to personal criticism, except when it comes from people that he really trusts (Rachel’s words have a profound impact on him, but other people’s insults slid in one ear and out the other). Bruce has no problem delegating tasks, and his organization skills allow him give the police information and patterns that they cannot find on their own.


Introverted Feeling (Fi): Bruce’s internal principles are firmly laid out and he does not violate them to please others. He does what he feels is right, regardless of what Ra’s Al Gul or anyone else tells him (he refuses to kill). He is not a people pleaser and feels little guilt in rudely turning away his birthday guests or saying cruel things to Alfred. When under extreme stress, Bruce has the tendency to become preoccupied with his own pain, such that he fails to recognize the suffering of others. While he does feel acute personal emotions, Bruce doesn’t share them with very many people. He has a strong awareness of his own emotions (“My anger outweighs my guilt.”), which aids him in his ability to set feelings aside for decision making. Even though he sets aside his feelings when making harsh choices, Bruce does not set aside his moral code, and although thoroughly evaluates the logical aspects of his choices, he also considers his principles. Bruce is loyal to few causes and people, but to those few, his loyalty does not waver.


Extroverted Sensing (Se): Beyond his exceptional focus, Bruce takes the time to enjoy the beauty in his surroundings (playing in the waterfall in the Batcave, exploring the grounds of his mannor ect.). Despite this, external reactions don’t come naturally to Bruce, and so he has to train himself to “always mind [his] surroundings.” He doesn’t dwell extensively on the past (except when under powerful stress, such as the years after his parents and Rachel’s deaths).  At the same time, stress also causes him to behave spontaneously (it’s not natural to him, but occurs when he falls into the grip of his inferior function); thus his casual-sex night in the Dark Knight Rises.

The majority of typers want to call Bruce and INFJ –simply because they have stereotyped all INTJs as unfeeling and cold and Bruce doesn’t seem cold and unfeeling to them. However, Bruce shows way too much TeFi to be an INFJ.

If he was an Fe user, he and Rachel wouldn’t have so many moral disagreements.

One last thing to keep in mind is that for much of Bruce’s early life, he’s suffering from PTSD –and PTSD is always an emotional experience, regardless of your personality type.

9 thoughts on “Bruce Wayne: INTJ

  1. Bruce is definitely wounded when he throws his guests out and a party-goer tells him, “the apple has fallen very far from the tree.” His mask of faux-drunkenness slips for just a moment.


  2. INTJ, obviously. He thinks and indvestigate like a juge, not a advocate. Very focus on symbolism and a vision of Gotham without criminal.

    His Se is poor, so he is use his Ni to create a beast, the Batman.


  3. I think its actually opposite. He did go after “Rachel” and found Harvey. His Fi pushed him to protect the person he loves the most. That is a purely Fi based decision. I think as INFJ he would have went after Harvey, since he could do way more good in the long run and INFJs dislike being selfish a lot. I also cant really see how saving Rachel would have benefited in the long run in the war against the Gotham shitshow. INTJs are mostly more calculated then INFJs, but they have stronger weak points through their Fi.


  4. I agree with this page on most of the typings, but this is one I see as grossly wrong.

    I considered Nolan’s Bruce Wayne to be INTJ for a long time, especially because of the stereotypical Batman typing. (Batman is typically INTJ, definitely)

    I could contribute a blog post itself, explaining how Bruce Wayne is INFJ, not INTJ, much like this one:

    Or I could do that in this comment thread itself.


  5. He didn’t call the people out at the party to “call them out”, he did it so that they would leave. The assailants would stay and he can better filter out who is hostile and who isn’t. That’s a misrepresented and misinterpreted example you’ve used there.



  6. Question: do you think that an INFJ Bruce would have decided to rescue Rachel, rather than Harvey? An INFJ might decide to do what they perceive as the more logical thing if they had more time to think about it, but under stress, I would expect them to go after the person they loved more. (Assuming they don’t have a Ni plan that would override their Fe….)


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