Request a Character

Do you have a character you’d like me to type for you? Simply add your character using the request form below.


  1. Check the Character Directory (updated frequently), and do not submit duplicate requests. Rather than making me more inclined to type a character sooner, this has the opposite effect––it just adds cud to the queue, giving me more to trudge through before I can get to your request.
  2. Note the following: Your character won’t automatically show up in the Character Directory right after you submit. I have to manually add them––meaning they’ll appear when I get to them. If they’re not there yet, it doesn’t mean that your request didn’t go through, just that I have yet to read and add it to the directory (even if the directory was last updated very recently).

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Trolls (and serial ignorers of the above policies) will be blocked and banished to North Sentinel Island.

38 thoughts on “Request a Character

  1. I enjoyed the revision to this, lol.

    It’s been a long time. I don’t even recall what we were even arguing about. Oh well.
    :( l suppose it’s for the best unless you remember or even understood it.

    I figured out about everything that l needed to know in the last 3 years. Just been learning how to be a better Christian. It’s a lot of work. Character growth is difficult and challenging, but worth it.

    If you ever want to discuss Mbti, etc then email me or not.

    Yes, lm still annoying. Some things don’t change.

    By the way, I also can make predictions on what’s going to happen b/c of Si. I usually don’t say anything and silently watch as it comes true.


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