Anxiety Cycles by Type

“How does Anxiety manifest differently in each type?” 


Trigger: uncertainty, issues of reality, overdoing things etc.

Once the trigger is pulled, the ISxJ will become obsessive about details, lose their task orientated center and grow impulsive. They will fall into the grip of their inferior Ne function and rather than thinking about possibilities, they will catastrophize.

To re-balance him/herself, the ISxJ needs to let go of the details that they’ve been obsessively swallowing up. They need someone to take them seriously and often need the help of close friends to work through their issue. If they come out on top, they will have a broader perspective, clearer values and stronger flexibility than before.


Trigger: over-focusing on the future, shutting off options, excessive structure etc.

The ESxP will become distracted by data and will appear physically tired, distant and worried. Internal clouds of contagion will begin to stir up and they will be easily offended.

To work through it, the ESxP needs to be reassured that dire predictions are unlikely. They need to set goals and maintain priorities. When they come out of it, they will be more comfortable with possibilities and uncertainty and will be better at utilizing their intuition.


Triggers: unexpected events, detail, strict/heavy work schedule, spending too much time with people etc.

The stressed INxJ’s thinking will grow severely limited and they will begin making more factual mistakes (grammatical/math errors etc.). Next, they will obsess over external data, grow an adversarial attitude and begin to overindulge sensually.

The INxJ needs to work through his/her problems entirely alone. They need people to refrain from giving advice, alone time and a lighter load. When they come out of it, they will have a strengthened ability to set realistic goals and adapt to the unexpected.


Triggers: facts, value conflicts, exhaustion etc.

The ENxP under stress gets confused with his/her options, has poor judgement and is pessimistic. They will fall into depression, begin to focus too much on their bodily image and become obsessive.

To get out of it, they need strong support, pampering and time to meditate. They will rise out of this with a broadened perspective, greater value on facts/details and better planning abilities.


Trigger: strong emotional expression, value conflict, loss of privacy etc.

The IxTP under stress is sarcastic, cutting, vague and distracted. They begin to exercise hyper-logic and become oversensitive and emotional.

To recover, the IxTP needs downtime, lowered responsibilities and no questions asked, but when they come out of it, they will have a better capacity to accept the illogical, recognize vulnerability in themselves and have a strengthened ability to express their feelings.


Trigger: accountability problems, other’s display of emotion, value conflicts and guilt for their own harshness.

The ExTJ will begin to have excessively biased opinions with little evidence to back them up and will begin to have internal arguments with themselves. They will grow overly sensitive and express outbursts of emotion (and will consequently fear feeling).

Recovery will require them to come to grips with their loss of control over their emotions, silent support from others and talking about their feelings with trusted persons. The ExTj will come out with a better understanding of their own limits, acceptance of irrationality and place a higher value on intimate relationships.


Trigger: fear of future loss, negative or excessive criticism, value conflicts etc.

The IxFP will overreact to imagined insults and ignore their positive intuition. They will make judgements about their own and other’s incompetence and engage in aggressive criticism. They will also become reckless and dramatic.

To rebalance, the IxFP needs to have their feelings validated and then just allow the whole thing to play out. They will come out with a lowered need for harmony, greater trust in their own thinking and a better ability to respond positively to trying times.

4 thoughts on “Anxiety Cycles by Type

  1. I have a question: between INFJ and ISFJ, do their different needs when stressed have to do with their sensing and intuitive functions? I am wondering because they both share aux Fe, and an ISFJ’s Fe really emphasizes needing to have supportive people helping them at times. Does an INFJ need to be more alone when anxious?


    • For your first question –Yes, the differing needs are completely to do with sensing vs intuiting dominant functions.

      As for your second question, no, INFJs do not necessarily need more alone time than ISFJs when stressed.

      My INFJ room-mate and I are currently taking an Art History class together. Whenever he gets extremely stressed about the test, he wants my support to be present. In his own words, “I’m glad you’re here to be so chill, otherwise I would be exploding inside.” However, when it comes to stress that is not shared (for instance, tests for classes that we’re not taking together), he wants alone time.

      Does that answer your question?


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